Marriage, Relationships

For Marriage

Technologically speaking, the day is… busy. My phone buzzes with notification after notification. Texts, messages, comments, likes, emails… I’m bombarded with joy and well-wishes. I’ve just posted the announcement, and the response is overwhelming. I… we… are getting married.  We are as surprised as anyone. Our joy radiates on our faces in the selfies we’ve …

Church, Community

God and Jesus and All of Us

It’s almost dark when we pull up to the retreat center, backlit by sunset, shadowed figures dragging suitcases to rooms and chalets. Kids run off in all directions, mostly away from their exasperated parents. Shouts of “Hey, friend!” echo in the lobby around fireplaces and taxidermied animals. The ladies at the registration table greet us …

The Bible

The B-I-B-L-E

When I was three years old, I was dropped on my head. The official story from my preschool was that I fell off a piece of playground equipment and hit my head. But I have a vivid memory of one of my preschool teachers holding me upside down on the playground and dropping me. Accounts …


Where God Is

This post originally appeared on Melissa Scott Yoga in the Spring of 2017. My hands are shaking as I get out of the car. My mind is racing with a thousand useless thoughts. Crap, I don’t have any money to feed the meter. Wait, it’s Sunday, I don’t have to. Did I remember to put on …